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Advanced Architectural Construction

Project 1

In a group of 5 members, we performed a study on a building which was constructed using IBS method. We designed a three stores apartment of size around 100 square meters per unit, consisting of a hall, dining area, three bedrooms and two toilets. 

The design incorporated a steel frame as well as precast concrete panels for exterior and partition walls, and precast concrete stairs.

The report includes general information of the proposed system, as well as it showcases the application of steel frame as a primary structure. The proposal is supported by a series of technical drawings and pictures of the model, reaching 100% in IBS score calculation as it is fully constructed using IBS approach.

Project 2

The assignment is linked to final studio design project that includes the analysis and establishment of the structural and envelope systems of the design.

The precedent studies demonstrate an analysis and potential utilization of the construction method of structural systems, facade systems and roof system into studio design project, facilitating technical studies and development of the design. After a critical analysis of precedent studies the systems are applied into the model showing an evidence of constructablity of the design, logical and workable framework.

In my project there are two primary structural systems which are steel frame and precast concrete walls and stairs; steel flooring; shed roof; kinetic bi fold facade and metal mesh facade;

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